Thursday, September 29, 2011

Character Creates Courage

A legend tells about a mouse who was terrified of cats until a magician agrees to transform him into a cat.  That resolved his fear… until he met a dog, so he was changed to a dog. 

The mouse-turned-cat-turned-dog was content until he met a tiger – so once again, he was turned into what he feared.  But when a tiger went complaining that he had met a hunter, the magician refused to help.

 “I will make you into a mouse again, for though you have the body of a tiger, you still have the heart of the mouse”

How many people do you know who have built a formidable exterior, only to tremble inside with fear?

We face fear with force… or… we stockpile wealth. We seek security in things. We cultivate fame and seek status.

But do these approaches work?

Courage is an outgrowth of who we are.
Exterior support may temporarily sustain, but only inward character creates courage.

- M. Lucado

“Have faith in the Lord your God, and you will stand strong”

- 2 Chronicles 20:20