Friday, September 23, 2011

Positive Power

Nathaniel Hawthorne came home heartbroken for being let go from his job. His wife, rather than responding with anxiety, surprised him with joy and said, "Now you can write a book!".
He wasn't so positive and said "what shall we live on while I'm writing".  
·    To his amazement, the wife opened a drawer and revealed a wad of money she saved out of her housekeeping budget.  "I've always knew you were a man of genius and that you will write a masterpience",  she said.
·    She believed in her husband. And because she did, he wrote.  And because he wrote, most libraries in the world has a copy of "The Scarlet Letter". 
·    Everyone has the power to change someone's life simply by the words you speak.
M. Lucado

"What you say can mean life or death"
Proverbs 18:21
Tongue has power