Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Envy Makes You Miserable

Did you ever play "King of the Hill"?  You know the game: There's only room for one guy at the top. We’re envious of the person at the top and we like to make others envious of our position.

As adults, we still play that game — we just do it more subtly. "Hey! Look at me!
Notice the car I'm driving, my jewelry, my kids are smarter, the color of my credit card"

But the truth is, envy can make you miserable. It's an expression of insecurity.
When we feel inferior, we get envious.

When I was a kid, I got a new bicycle for Christmas. It had big wide handlebars and a banana seat. I thought I was hot. I was so proud of it until I saw my friend’s bike that was fancier. My joy went down the tubes. I was envious when I compared. 

When I look back, I realize the real problem was my low self-esteem. When we have it, we’ll always feel threatened by people who are more beautiful, better dressed, have more status, more education, and more charisma — or better bikes!

No one is immune to envy, and you probably know from experience that it can make you miserable.

Envy is to your soul what cancer is to your body. It will eat you alive if you don’t watch it.

Envy can cause us to become obsessed with changing our circumstances. We think the answer is more money, so we become consumed with making more money. The problem is that once you get to that level, there's a next level.

If you're motivated by envy, you're going to burn out, because there's always a next level.
Envy is a hidden sin. It is destructive!

It devalues others. It destroys relationships. It causes you to miss out on sharing in much joy, such as weddings, births, or promotions. Instead of being envious, God wants us to be happy when he blesses others.

When you learn to enjoy others' success, you’ll experience a lot more joy.

Talk About It
  • What joyful experience has God made available to you that you were unable to appreciate because of your envy?
  • What can you thank God for today that you already have?

 - Daily Hope